

  • 環境によって乱れないフォントを選定したい
    • IPAフォントが良いのではないか?

2012/05/16 EPICS-Gr ML(KEK内部用) に投稿した内容

Font Server を立ててそれなりには動くのですが、環境依存で

Cosylab Japan のN氏と相談したところ

○ フォントで悩むことが無くなる(と期待する)
○ 日本語が使える
○ 勝手に代替フォントを使われてしまうことが避けられる
× 各マシンごとにインストールしなければいけない
× (おそらく問題無いが)継続的に提供されるかどうか



color.def, font.def

  • color.def
    MonValue = 0,0,255
    SetValue = 0,128,0
    StaticText = 0,0,0
    Background = 240,240,240
  • font.def
    // ===========================================
    // Font file of CSS BOY for KEK PF/PF-AR/cERL
    // ===========================================
    // Description
    // -----------
    //  This is the font file of CSS BOY for KEK PF/PF-AR/cERL.
    //  To provide the same look & feel among different operating systems,
    //  this font file uses IPA fonts as the standard font.
    //  Font size
    //  ---------
    //   The unit of font size in this file is "point" while the
    //   coordianate system in CSS BOY uses "pixel" as the basic unit.
    //   The conversion from "point" to "pixel" depends on resolution
    //   (dpi or dots per inch). For example, 12 points is equivalent to
    //   16 pixels when 96 dpi, and 12 pixels when 72 dpi.
    //   Default resolution differ according to the operating system you
    //   use, and resolution can be changed by the user, at least, on
    //   Windows and Linux. To provide the same font size in terms of
    //   pixel among supported operating systems to a maximum extent,
    //   this font file defines default font size assuming the following
    //   resolution:
    //      Windows       : 96 dpi
    //      Linux (Gnome) : 96 dpi
    //      Mac OS X      : 72 dpi
    //   These are default (or fallback) resolution of those operation
    //   systems. If you use other resolutions, you have to manually
    //   change the resoltiont to the above dpi values, or adjust this
    //   font file to fit your resolution.
    //   Note that default resolution may be different from the above
    //   list. Recent operating systems seem to be able to identify
    //   physical resolution from the device information, and
    //   automatically sets the resolution.
    //  Known problem(s)
    //  ----------------
    //   * Mac OS X (at least 10.6.3) does not recognize bold and italic
    //     style of IPA fonts.
    //   * When perform "auto size" for Label widget, the size will differ
    //     according to the operating system.
    // History:
    //  2012/07/25 Takashi Nakamoto (Cosylab)
    //   * Created.
    //  2012/08/02 Takashi Nakamoto (Cosylab)
    //   * Defined Text_* fonts.
    // Default font
    Default = IPAGothic-regular-12
    Default(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-regular-16
    // Regular fixed font
    Text_12 = IPAGothic-regular-9
    Text_12(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-regular-12
    Text_16 = IPAGothic-regular-12
    Text_16(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-regular-16
    Text_20 = IPAGothic-regular-15
    Text_20(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-regular-20
    Text_24 = IPAGothic-regular-18
    Text_24(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-regular-24
    // Bold fixed font
    Text_12B = IPAGothic-bold-9
    Text_12B(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-bold-12
    Text_16B = IPAGothic-bold-12
    Text_16B(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-bold-16
    Text_20B = IPAGothic-bold-15
    Text_20B(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-bold-20
    Text_24B = IPAGothic-bold-18
    Text_24B(macosx_cocoa) = IPAGothic-bold-24
    // Regular propotional font
    Text_12P = IPAPGothic-regular-9
    Text_12P(macosx_cocoa) = IPAPGothic-regular-12
    Text_16P = IPAPGothic-regular-12
    Text_16P(macosx_cocoa) = IPAPGothic-regular-16
    Text_20P = IPAPGothic-regular-15
    Text_20P(macosx_cocoa) = IPAPGothic-regular-20
    Text_24P = IPAPGothic-regular-18
    Text_24P(macosx_cocoa) = IPAPGothic-regular-24
    // Bold propotional font
    Text_12BP = IPAPGothic-bold-9
    Text_12BP(macosx_cocoa) = IPAPGothic-bold-12
    Text_16BP = IPAPGothic-bold-12
    Text_16BP(macosx_cocoa) = IPAPGothic-bold-16
    Text_20BP = IPAPGothic-bold-15
    Text_20BP(macosx_cocoa) = IPAPGothic-bold-20
    Text_24BP = IPAPGothic-bold-18
    Text_24BP(macosx_cocoa) = IPAPGothic-bold-24
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 02/09/14 11:13:59
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